bee facts

The domestic honey bee is an amazing insect that is responsible for much of what we eat and use in our everyday lives. Whether they be products directly from the hive such as honey or beeswax, or indirectly from the many fruits and vegetables we depend on bees to pollinate, honey bees have earned a valuable and detrimental place in our world.

Listed below is a collection of interesting trivia and facts about honey bees. These facts were gleaned from various sources since my introduction to beekeeping in 1989. I hope you find them as fascinating as I do!

scientific name: small bee Apis mellifera
age of species: small bee 19 million years
castes in colony: small bee 3 (queen, worker & drone)
eggs queen can lay in 1 day: small bee up to 1,500-2,000
size of eggs: small bee 1/16 inch (1.6mm)
egg to adult queen: small bee 16 days
egg to adult worker(female): small bee 21 days
egg to adult drone(male): small bee 24 days
drone cell size: small bee 4 per inch of comb
worker cell size: small bee 5 per inch of comb
size of adult worker honey bee: small bee 1/2 inch (1.2cm)
temperature of hive:
(when rearing brood)
small bee 93-95° Fahrenheit
temperature of cluster:
(during winter-no brood)
small bee around 85° Fahrenheit
bees per colony: small bee 45,000-70,000 plus
number of bees per pound: small bee about 4,000-6,000
life of adult queen small bee up to about 4 years
life of adult worker:
small bee about 6 weeks
life of adult worker:
small bee months
life of adult drone: small bee up to 3 months (unmated)
flight speed: small bee 12 mph
wing beats(normal): small bee 250 cycles/second
wing beats(buzzing): small bee 400-500 cycles/second
visits to fill honey stomach: small bee 1,000 flowers
visits to make 1 lb. of honey: small bee 2,000,000 flowers
1 cell of honey represents: small bee life's work of 60 bees
bees gather for 1 lb. of honey: small bee about 10 lbs. of nectar
distance flown for 1 lb. of honey: small bee about 55,000 miles
bees eat to make 1 lb. of beeswax: small bee about 10 lbs. of honey
weight of 1 gallon of honey: small bee 12 lbs.

big bee Honey bees are wonderful insects that do incredible good, and beekeeping is a fantastic way to study them, and their interaction with the environment around them. If you have any questions about bees, or beekeeping that are not answered here, please email me! You can do this easily by clicking on my name at the bottom of this page.

Copyright © 1999-2002 David D. Scribner , webmaster. All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated: May 25, 2002